Sunday, August 10, 2008

Travel Plans

I just wanted to let you all know that we are scheduled to leave on Saturday, August 23rd. We will be in Ethiopia for 10 nights and will hop on the plane again on September 4. We can't WAIT!!!

Here is a recent pic of Zoe. I hope she doesn't start walking before we get there!!!


Natalie Fournet said...

She is beautiful!!!

Rachel Lanser said...

Brian, Jen, and Evan-your new addition looks like such a happy little girl. What a wonderful addition to your family. Have a great trip and we look forward to hearing from you when you return.
Ryan, Rachel, and Mason

Grandpa Cantwell said...

Well Brian finally got back to me with the BLOG address so I won't be "left out" anymore.

I'm so happy for you two and Evan. Have a wonderful and safe trip. We are all looking forward to your visit at the Holidays.

Mom especially is so excited about holding her new grand daughter.


Grandpa Cantwell said...

Well I finally got the URL for your blog after my computer deleted most of my favorites. Now I don't have to feel "left out" anymore.

I'm so happy for you two and Evan. Have a safe and enjoyable trip. We are all looking forward to your visit at Thanksgiving.

Mom in particular can't wait to hold her new granddaughter so hopefully we can have some quality time given her schedule.

Anyway, God Bless all of you.

Grandpa Cantwell

Grandpa Cantwell said...

Sorry about the duplicate message. First one said I didn't have a valid user name and then when I "fixed it", it sent it but didn't acknowledge it.

Nikki said...

SO exciting- have an amazing journey!

Nikki --> blog stylizing to raise money for my Ethiopia mission trip!

Kristy -Mom To 9 Blessings said...

I am SO EXCITED for you! Those were our travel dates as well but I couldn't find flights that we could afford! Have a wonderful trip! I can't wait
to see pictures of Mommy and daughter....finally!!!! :-)

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you. I know the delay was torture, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

But God is good, and Zoe is beautiful.

Congratulations and have a safe flight tomorrow!

Future Primitive said...

OH! She's soooo cute! We can't wait to meet her!