Friday, May 30, 2008

At least one more week...


graceling said...

So frustrating!

But at least you know "why."

Farmboy and Buttercup said...

Oh, ugh!

Keep hanging in there and trust that none of this timing stuff has surprised God, the one in control.

Dana C said...

Hi! I saw your comment on my blog and i wanted to say an official hello. I am not much for checking blogs, but i clicked on yours to see if your would be in Addis when we were there. I TOTALLY understand how hard it is to wait, especially when things are in MOWA's hands. We had 4 different court dates, waiting on MOWA to sign a piece of paper for us. They are greatly overworked and underpaid. I am sorry for your can be SO draining!!! But, take heart that all of this is UNDER Jesus' feet and He will bring you to your baby not one second too late. Thats the only thing that keeps sanity during these crazy days of waiting.

Blessings to you!

dana cordell

DC said...

I'm sorry about all these delays. I hope they get everything worked out soon!

~Laura~ said...
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